I mean entered!

Our round two for the day was more of the same – No real placements but a lot of fun none the less! The girls had a blast, which to me is all that matters. In addition, we supported the club and Tipsy went again with nippy-nippy, only a slight growl that no one but me noticed. SUCCESS!

Long coats followed the Juniors, a nice change up from the norm. Tipsy and I had a lot of competition and for the first time she stayed focused on me on. That was a nice, unintended lesson. And like I said, she growled ever so slightly on the table but after already being so good earlier this was a long and exhausting day – I am sure is was an “I am Tired” growl.

Alexis and KC got a “gimme” 4th which just entering ring is a treat. She is Alexis’ Juniors Chihuahua and not so fine-tuned in show trained department. She begs to go to shows though – EVERY time! So for her to get the chance to slip on that lead is the bonus.

Next came the smooth coats and our dynamic duo did a great job with the ring  fear still very alive . They were first in the ring again – ARGH! Breanna was such a trooper and I commend her on her patience! They got a “gimme” 3rd but the fact that he made it around the ring without turning around completely is a win to me!

Both of the girls got to reenter the ring for Best of Breed, helping Michele with her entries. Having never handled the before, they both did such a wonderful job. I was honestly quite impressed with how awesome Alexis was with CJ. She ROCKED it, looking like a pro out there!!!

All in all is was an awesomely successful specialty with everyone having a fabulous time – Can’t wait for next year!



Back For Day Two, And Then Some!
That's A Talent!