
BISS GCH Figgy’s Valentino’s Delight of Cavahua

2020 Westminster Long Coat Chihuahua Best of Breed!

2020 Westminster Long Coat Chihuahua Best of Breed!



We are so unbelievably proud of this little guy! A perfect combination of his mother, KC and father, Flint, he has been taking the show ring by storm since he was 7 month old. A black spotted on white tri-colored long coat, he has a temperament filled with confidence and spunk. Ranked #7 Owner Handed in 2017 and #5 in 2018 with limited showing, this little guy has been my pride and joy!


Registered Name: BISS GCH Figgy’s Valentino’s Delight of Cavahua Nickname: “Tino”
Weight: 4.5lbs Coat: Long Coat
AKC# TS31545702 Gender: Male
Patella OFA# CH-PA2372/17M/P-PI Cardiac OFA# CH-CA1699/17M/P-PI
CHIC# 149204 Eye CERF CH-EYE767/13M-VPI

Tino's Pedigree

GCH CH Cavahua’s Cupid’s Arrow Of Pittore
Blk & Tan SPTD on White
CH Pittore’s Lil Awesome Andy
TR683062/01 09-08
Blk & Tan Sptd on White
AKC DNA #V663510
CH Mattie’s Prince Andrew
TP201595/01 08-03
Fawn & White Black Mask
AKC DNA #V266484
CH Mattie’s Bernard
TM631736/02 02-93
Fawn & White
AKC DNA #V128313
CH Royal Piper Of Belmuriz
TC622001 06-87
(United Kingdom)
Belmuriz Royal Romance
TN301759/01 08-96
(United Kingdom)
Red White Markings
Teobrook Polka Dot Bikini At Grayco
KCR H6851201J02
Call’s Cruisin’ Susan
TC894561 03-91
White Fawn Markings
Call’s Delightful Dazzler II
TC570399 05-88
Call’s Plaudits For Pittipat
TC422010 02-87
Fawn & White White Markings
Ouachitah Miss Print
TM930791/01 07-00
CH Korizz Blue Print At Maerlake
TM897038/01 05-93
(United Kingdom)
Blue & Fawn
Half Pint
Korizz Blue Haze
KCR J0071202J04
Sanvi Jena
TM897035/01 05-93
(United Kingdom)
Maerlake Smiler
Sanvi Penny Lane
CH Pitorebeleza Awesome Awetoo
TR 286402/01 01-08
Fawn Wht Mkgs
CH Belleza Pittore Letz Roll
Fawn Sptd on White
AKC DNA #V389214
Belleza Mi Ainor Romancero
TN740773/02 09-00
Fawn Spotted On White
AKC DNA #V77096
CH Dartan Grand Slam
TN403771/02 08-97
Fawn White Markings
AKC DNA #V94719
Charming Chi’s Gypsy
TN247384/03 01-97
Red White Markings
CH Tribute Roll O Dice O Pittore
TP023961/03 05-03
Red White Markings
AKC DNA #V239966
CH Suvikasteen Rollo
TN898847/01 08-00 (Finland)
Fawn & White
Charbo’s Fortune Fanny Of Tribute
TN488988/02 08-98
Pittore’s Flordeliza
TR084890/03 12-4
Black & Tan Wht Mkgs
CH Shinybrook Goldenrod
TN116713/03 10-95
Gold White Markings
AKC DNA #V105086
CH Charming Chis Rodney
TM936268/01 09-94
Black & Fawn White Markings
AKC DNA #P8205
Shinybrook Sparkle Plenty
TD400467 10-93
Pittore’s Stormy Launah
TN631008/04 01-99
Black White Markings
AKC DNA #V239965
CH Alorna’s Stormy Dawn
TN271785/01 11-97
Black & Tan White Markings
AKC DNA #V115852
TN242774/04 05-96
Black & Tan White Marking
GCH CH Cavahua’s Pixie Dust
TS199695/01 05-14
Blk & Tan White Mkgs
CH Cavahua’s Liberty Bell’s Patriot
TR881328/01 07-11
Black & Tan White Markings
CH Bk’s Shar’s Curious George
TR605681/02 12-08
Black & Tan White Markings
AKC DNA #V479485
CH Bk’s Boy Scout
TN993333/01 09-01
Black & Tan White Markings
AKC DNA #V272981
CH Bk’s Bo Knows
TM805361/01 07-93
Black & White Fawn Markings
AKC DNA #V64518
CH Bk’s Brownie Scout
TN216782/01 11-97
Chocolate & Tan White Markings
Aatukwoods Curious Thing
TR211238/02 05-07
Black & Tan Spotted On White
CH Bk’s Regalbeagle
TP196476/01 01-03
Black & Tan Spotted On White
AKC DNA #V267983
CH Aatukwoods First Lady
TP277736/02 05-04
Cavahua’s Liberty Bell D Mattie
TR532371/01 10-09
Black & Tan White Markings
Mattie’s Witch Doctor
TR227149/02 07-06
Red White Markings
AKC DNA #V601522
CH Mattie’s Prince Andrew
TP201595/01 08-03
Fawn & White Black Mask
AKC DNA #V266484
Mattie’s Hocus-Pocus
TN840514/01 07-03
Fawn Spotted On White
CH Cavahua Southern Belle Jo-El
TR256822/01 11-06
Fawn White Markings
CH Jo-El’s San Simeon Of Misalou
TN943585/01 01-04
AKC DNA #V446710
Pittore’s Zabette
TN926609/02 09-01
Black & Tan White Markings
CH Cavahua’s Sugar Plum Fairy
Fawn Blk Sblg
CH Jo-El’s San Simeon Of Misalou
TN943585/01 01-04
AKC DNA #V446710
CH Misalou’s Spittin Image
TN800750/03 02-00
Fawn White Markings
AKC DNA #V198223
CH Ouachitah Mirror Image
TN366397/04 02-98
AKC DNA #V107133
Misalou’s Miss Mar-El-To
TN452270/01 07-98
Cream/White Mkgs
CH Misalou’s Miss Freckles
TN635786/01 07-99
Fawn & White Spotted On White
CH Ouachitah Mirror Image
TN366397/04 02-98
AKC DNA #V107133
CH Mar-El To’s The Painted Lady
TM847744/02 12-93
Fawn & White
Chinchar’s China Rose Cavahua
TP311812/01 02-04
Fawn Blk Sblg
CH Cavahua Rose’s Legend Yesca
TN559399/02 11-98
Fawn Black Sabling
AKC DNA #V265180
CH Widogi Willibegood
TM956578/01 02-94
(United Kingdom)
AKC DNA #V159560
CH Regnier’s Rosalita Marie
TM940195/02 12-94
Chinchar’s Willy Sing Dixie
TN756683/01 12-02
Blue Fawn
CH Regnier’s Whistle For Willy
TN142148/01 05-96
AKC DNA #V78874
Dea’s China Angel Doll
TN291783/02 05-97
Cream & White
Figgy’s Legendary Karma Chameleon LC
Fawn Black Sabling
CH Cavahua’s Legend In Time Lc
Fawn Black Sabling
CH Lehman’s K-Cey
TP036529/02 07-03
Chocolate & Tan White Markings
AKC DNA #V277285
Lehman’s Mark McGuire
TN986981/01 08-00
Red Spotted On White
AKC DNA #V277948
Shinybrook JC Jaunty Strutter
TN079901/03 05-00
White & Fawn
CH Dartan Strut Your Stuff
TC859197 03-89
CH Shinybrook Scintilla Bug
TD091233 06-92
TN147045/01 11-96
Chocolate & Tan
CH Pratt’s Teddy Bear Beard’s
TC767712 11-89
Pratt’s-Lehman Ruffles
TD371975 12-94
Black & White
JC-Lehman’s Georgia-Onmymind
TN422608/02 08-00
Chocolate & Tan
Tomar J C Great Expectations
TN257701/01 11-96
Chocolate & Tan
CH Maestro-Miclanjo Tuba Mirum
TM635266/01 05-93
Tomar I’m No Angel
TM905028/01 10-95
Chocolate Sable
TN147045/01 11-96
Chocolate & Tan
CH Pratt’s Teddy Bear Beard’s
TC767712 11-89
Pratt’s-Lehman Ruffles
TD371975 12-94
Black & White
Chinchar’s Starsign Legend
TR127174/02 04-05
Fawn Black Sabling
CH Cavahua Rose’s Legend Yesca
TN559399/02 11-98
Fawn Black Sabling
AKC DNA #V265180
CH Five Star’s Steppenwolf Yesca
TM931152/01 07-94
Fawn Sable
AKC DNA #V120661
CH Yeosinga Pal Joey
TM659368/01 09-91
(United Kingdom)
CH Five Star’s Chuckles
TC366272 10-88
Black & Tan
Cavahua’s Spitfire Rose Of Oz
TN171066/02 07-96
Black & Tan Spotted On White
CH Erics Lucky Castor Rex Of Oz
TC301422 08-86
CH Dj’s Image Of Miss Twiggy LC
TD220403 02-95
Chinchar’s Willy Sing Dixie
TN756683/01 12-02
Blue Fawn
CH Regnier’s Whistle For Willy
TN142148/01 05-96
AKC DNA #V78874
CH Widogi Willibegood
TM956578/01 02-94
(United Kingdom)
AKC DNA #V159560
CH Regnier’s Rosalita Marie
TM940195/02 12-94
Dea’s China Angel Doll
TN291783/02 05-97
Cream & White
CH Bayard Bone China
TD147587 03-93
Fawn & White
Bolero’s Enter The Night
TM799443/03 09-94
Black & Fawn
Figgy’s Sloe Gin Fizz
TR679933/01 12-08
Blue & White
Debdans Shades Of Blue
TR365550/02 06-07
Blue Fawn White Markings
McIntosh’s O’Gosh Debdans
TP282266/01 09-03
Cream White Markings
AKC DNA #V296260
CH McIntosh’s Royal Streak
TP015229/07 01-02
White Fawn Markings
AKC DNA #V214136
Pratt’s Jo-Jo Dancer
TN132512/03 09-95
Fawn Black Mask
AKC DNA #V71936
McIntosh’s Susie Q LRM RRM
TN472818/01 03-99
Fawn Black Mask
McIntosh’s Lisa Jo LRM
TN799935/01 10-00
Black White Markings
CH McIntosh’s Mystic Randy LRM
TN554636/04 11-98
Black & Tan
AKC DNA #V71942
Hack’s Pack Smidgen ‘O Dusty
TM946459/01 03-98
Fawn Sable
Debdans Hannah My Superstar
TR116712/04 05-04
Fawn White Markings
Tiny Mite’s Proud Yankee
TP196827/03 01-03
Black & Tan Spotted On White
AKC DNA #V265175
CH Tiny Mite’s Hurricane Mitch
TN772130/02 02-00
Black Spotted On White
AKC DNA #V201239
Pierce Turner How Proud I Am
TN883199/06 09-01
Cream White Markings
Debdans Happy Hannah
TN426874/01 05-98
CH J C Steeley Dan
TM839112/02 02-93
Blue White Markings
Debdans Blue Doll
TN243741/01 12-96
Blue & Tan White Markings
Ace’s Sweet Little Blue Zoey Bear
TR592204/01 01-08
Blue & Tan White Markings
Ace’s Little Alex Bear
TR199167/02 03-05
Chocolate Blue Spotted On White
AKC DNA #V516069
Lytton’s Sugar Bear
TN399318/03 02-98
Black Sabled Fawn Black Mask
AKC DNA #V168211
CH Mattie’s Bernard
TM631736/02 02-93
Fawn & White
AKC DNA #V128313
Rosita Perron
TN136896/03 01-96
Blue & Tan Black Mask
G G’s Blue Sealy
TN804614/01 04-04
Blue White Markings
G G’s K-Nine Of Mine
TN501031/02 10-98
Black White Markings
G G’s Wishbone
TN618043/04 04-99
Black & White Fawn Markings
Ace’s Little Sweet Pea
TR414129/03 04-07
Black & Tan White Markings
Spunky The Tiny Pup
TN441354/02 04-99
Black White Markings
AKC DNA #V136983
Tiny’s Tiger Boyl
TN227691/03 11-96
Blue & Tan
Simmon’s Spotted Lady
TN210446/02 01-97
Black & White
Clark’s Sadie Moose
TP201576/02 03-05
Fawn & White Spotted On White
Rudy Ruskin Of Stone Ridge
TN972267/04 10-01
Red White Markings
Muchada Chili Pepper
TN100990/07 06-96
Black White Markings
They Are Finally Here

They Are Finally Here

What an adventure this day has been! I will be honest - I really thought we were having puppies YESTERDAY!!! Ok, Ok, wishful thinking because yesterday was my birthday. How cool would that have been to share my actual birthday with a litter of puppies, right? I spent...

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Playing With A Whippet

Playing With A Whippet

My Chihuahua's have taken in Breezy the Whippet and made her part of the pack. She actually thinks she is a Chihuahua. Sometimes I truly believe they all forget their size differences. Other times I think she is completely aware and conforms! Today she laid down on...

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Back In Brooksville

Back In Brooksville

We are back in Brooksville this weekend and of course, I had to bring Tino's best buddy Georgie with us. He LOVES going to shows, even though he is retired from the ring. And Tino is just so much happier with his best playmate around to hang with. But I will tell you...

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