TBCC Website Has A Whole New Look

After many months of planning, re-planning, coding and design work, the TBCC voted to have a new website and last night, it was unveiled! With this club being one of, if not the oldest Chihuahua club in existence, it has been such an honor for me to build a site that...

Lookin For Eyes…

and a name! The chocolate wonder is one uber-duber chunky monkey – at the age of two weeks is already up to 14.25 ounces! Well, with a 24-7 milk bar at his disposal, what else should we expect? He is so rollie-polie that I don’t see him being up and mobile...

Puppies A Plenty!

Today I had to attend a special club meeting but my adventures included some play time with two different adorable litters of puppies. My afternoon started out with a visit to the precious Japanese Chins I saw last month. I swear, the more I see them the more that I...

An Oldie But Goodie

After a crash in my iPhoto database on my computer, I was going through my old dog show photos and came upon this one that every time I see it, my heart smiles! A friend of ours, Tami, shows the sweetest Ridgeback named Gracie and they can often times be found outside...

Tender Touch Training

Tonight’s training was all about tender touch. When on the table, my daughter has the tendency to manhandle Teddy, using her full hand instead of finger tips while stacking him on the table. He is a lot smaller than he appears – That coat makes him look...