Jan 31, 2015 | Barbie, Feeding & Dog Food, New Puppies
Ohhhh yeah! The flooring project is complete, the room has been put back together and Barbie along with her litter of holiday babies have been moved in, allowing for their remaining puppy kindergarten lessons. It didn’t take long for them to take advantage of...
Jan 30, 2015 | Beamer, Dewey
Tonight the boys stayed up late with me as I finished up on the flooring project – Well – all but the final strip of planks which jus so happened to be ripped in. It’s way too late, my hands too tired and my back is too sore but man did I get soon...
Jan 29, 2015 | New Puppies
The puppies tired 5 weeks old today and I am here to say the timing of our flooring project has shown its true colors. I am thrilled it will be done this weekend so that the pups and mom can get more room to roam and socialize. We had to move them into a 4 panel Iris...
Jan 28, 2015 | Bella, New Puppies
Lil’ Miss Olive is officially up to 5.2 ounces! I swear, that homemade puppy formula is a complete miracle. She has also started to nurse more, adding to the plumpness. Bubbles is not creating a ton of milk but she is producing and Olive is doing her best to...