Jun 29, 2017 | Grooming, Olive
Today I got to give Olive her final luxurious bath in the Figgy bathtub. I love this dog more than anything and I’m so happy Gail has agreed to bring her home with her. Keeping Olive safe and happy all that matters to me! And knowing I will still get to see her...
Jun 26, 2017 | Dog Shows, Showing Chihuahuas, Tino, Training
So my wish for yesterday to be a simple blip on Tino’s radar did not come true. He was actually very agitated on the table with absolutely no patience whatsoever. I was very stern putting him back into place but he was not going to have any of it. The judge...
Jun 25, 2017 | Dog Shows, Showing Chihuahuas, Tino
Not that Iwould ever expect the same thing to happen two days in a row but what did happen was the furthest from my mind. I have worked SO hard on getting Tino to behave on the table and not freak out when the judge put their hands on him. It all started his very...
Jun 24, 2017 | Dog Shows, Showing Chihuahuas, Tino
With the break that we took for the Canine Flu, I was very excited once confirmed that our guys had kennel cough and healed up perfectly. I was even more excited to have our first shows back in the game being in our home town! Only 30 minutes form the house makes for...
Jun 20, 2017 | Breeze the Whippet
So as I have mentioned in the past, Breezy has claimed the round chair in our living room as her own and apparently she has done so by hiding all of her treasures and finds in the crevasse and under the pillows. Dog toys, paper towel rolls, deer antler chews and even...