Feb 27, 2015 | New Puppies, Olive
The boys have decided that they love Olive. ALL of boys! Ty, Rudy and Toeby can usually found tending to, cuddle with or simply following her. It’s honestly very sweet to watch, since they seemingly know she is younger (if only 3 weeks) and in need to their...
Feb 26, 2015 | Beamer, Chihuahua Habits, New Puppies, Olive
I so love Olive’s zest for life – she is a huge pistol trapped in a very tiny body! Taking no crap from no one, she is also the first to instigate play when ever possible. Officially 6 weeks old today, she is up to 10.4 ounces and only on mush – no...
Feb 25, 2015 | New Puppies
So I had a birthday a few weeks back and the traditional helium balloon as gifted to me. It usually stays clipped to my desk for me to enjoy thorough the month. We are nearing the slow death my balloon, bringing the ribbons lower to the ground and in the...
Feb 23, 2015 | Chihuahua Themed Products, Must Have Supplies, Must Read Books, Showing Chihuahuas, Supplies and Finds
The Chihuahua Club of America has published an AMAZING magazine that is all things Chihuahua. The first issue arrived a few weeks back and I can’t seem to be able to put it down. So many fabulous articles and the information is not just geared towards dog show...
Feb 22, 2015 | New Puppies, Olive, Sleeping Habits
…Bubbles was SO right! We have been allowing Olive to hang with the others for short periods of time, usually ending the visit once her barks and snarls reach a point where they sound VERY angry. Today I really watched as these same sounds came out of her...