Do I Smell Lunch?

Do I Smell Lunch?

This afternoon, I had the puppies out playing while Alexis was warming up her meal to sit down and enjoy her lunch.  swear, pups and adults alike stopped in their tracks and ran to the gate that goes into the kitchen. They tried with all of their might to fit under...

The Playing Doesn’t Stop

What did I tell you? The Smooch is a play machine! Today’s focus is on Georgie along with the falling apart, braided rope toy. Tug-o-war was the game of the day and loosing was not an option – for EITHER of them. To entertaining to not watch...


At this age, the puppies are totally into the teething thing. Luckily, we have plethora of chew toys in our house and this one happened to be drug out from the bottom of the toy box by Smoochie. It weighs as much as they do but that doesn’t stop them from...

Kidd is a Momma’s Boy

When it is play time, the first thing Kidd does is make a bee line for his mommy, Smoochie and the rough housing begins. The two will go at it nonstop. Smoochie is one energetic girl which is a fabulous trait to have when you are the mommy to such energetic...