No Chi Love

No Chi Love

Well, today we didn’t wow the judge but I can tell you that I learned some lessons for sure so this was no waste of a morning. We tried the “feed him first” tactic before we left for the show to see if that might keep him from trying to eat every...
Some of That Table Training

Some of That Table Training

Back at the hotel room tonight I thought I would take advantage of the new trolley’s grooming table feature. Georgie needs to get custom to bing up high on a table. This trolley is higher than a normal grooming table but the training is no less effective. At...

Georgie’s Turn

Not only did we take Tipsy out for tonight’s walk but I decided to bring Georgie along too. Now that he is walking on a lead (and so quickly too) I thought it might be a good idea to bring Georgie to help him gain more confidence too. I do think this was quite...

Well That Isn’t Going To Work

So tonight’s walk got pushed an hour later than the norm and it got dark before we made it out of the neighborhood. Surprisingly, as soon as it got dark, TIPSY’S TAIL WENT UP!!!! I swear! I cannot catch a break! There are no dog shows held by candlelight...

Brought Inspiration

Today’s walk included an addition – I decided to bring KC to see if she might inspire Tipsy to raise her tail. KC was our inspiration to help get Tipsy to walk on a lead, maybe she can work her magic again.  Well, it didn’t work to the degree that I...

Trying Something New

So it was suggested that I take Tipsy out on our evening walks to see if we can add to that socialization checklist and help her gain more confidence – ultimately getting that tail up when she’s waking!  Well, she went the first 1/2 mile of our 2 mile trip...