No Problems in the Food Department

Both mom and pup have proven without a shadow of a doubt that it’s allllll good! The chocolate wonder is up to 6.5 ounces in 4 days!!! He is gonna be a chubber-wubber singleton for sure. And Treasure is all about doing double duty – Keeping her puppy warm...

Here He Is!

I have to say, after a good night’s sleep, a ubber filled belly and a new day’s light, our little chocolate wonder is doing fantastic and so is his mommy, Treasure! Both have settled in very...

Thunder Booming Arrival

Not that today’s storms are out of the norm for this summer’s weather patterns but it was basically dark and dreary all day with thunder boomers and close striking lightening all afternoon. I don’t know if that is exactly what jump-started the labor...

Prediction Correct

My assumption that Treasure’s due date is later than we figured is officially correct. Today is the due date we calculated and today has done come and gone. She gobbled down portions of my midnight snack and she shows no signs of popping any time soon. She...

Still No Signs

I am really thinking we missed the breeding date on Treasure & Eddie because she is showing no signs of moving those ever growing pups down. She is still eating like a piggy and based on how those puppies feel, she still has a few more days of growing in there. I...

Day 58

Treasure’s day 58 has come and gone and I honestly don’t think she will be popping any time soon. She keeps growing and growing and not showing the signs of labor or moving the pups down, which I would normally start to see by now. We did do some whelping...