Dinner With The Rest Of Us

Dinner With The Rest Of Us

I brought Hope out to the picnic table for her dinner to celebrate her 4th week. I rotate one syringe of formula then one syringe of baby food and we are up to 20 CCs total every 4 hours! Weight-wise, she is up to 10 1/2 ounces and with the amount of walking that she...
Hope’s First Adventure

Hope’s First Adventure

We took off for our first family camping trip of the year this afternoon, so we packed up Hope and Suri for the adventure. I set up their weekend home in a medium sized Vari Kennel – Giving them both enough room yet still keeping our little waddler contained. IT...
She Is ALL OVER The Place

She Is ALL OVER The Place

Hope is up and walking and playing and barking and walking and growling and walking – well – you get the picture. She is one happy and active puppy! I sat and watched her gum at her mommy Suri to get her to play and it was the sweetest thing I have ever...
What is THIS?

What is THIS?

I gave Hope her first taste of food today – We use Gerber Chicken and Gravy baby food and I fed her using a syringe. She doesn’t have the tongue action yet to be able to lap so placing it directly onto her tongue was the next best thing. The look on her...
Greets Me With A Bark

Greets Me With A Bark

Hope now peers her head out of the towel we have draped over the bin in her whelping box and greets me with a bark when I come in the room to feed her. Do you think she has this all figured out? I swear she can hear my footsteps as I walk up the stairs and her waggy...
Hope Is Three Weeks Old!

Hope Is Three Weeks Old!

And what an amazing three weeks it has been! We have spaced our feedings out to every 3.5/4 hours, she is up to 8 1/2 ounces and she is “this” close to crawling her way out of the whelping box. Her opened eyes are still a bit cloudy but I swear I saw her...