She’s Kinda Lovin’ It

She’s Kinda Lovin’ It

With Barbie and KC upstairs tending to their puppies, Milly has had the opportunity to be THE girl of the house. And I am here to tell you that she is truly enjoying getting all of the boys’ attention. With no competition, she is running carefree with Harry,...
Work Together – Play Together

Work Together – Play Together

I have to say, we are very lucky that Georgie and Harry get along the way that they do. With an average of at least one trip a mont, the boys travel with us to our rather cozy quarters. They spend tshow days in the trolley together and evenings playing together in the...
Toy Freaks

Toy Freaks

If you keep up with the Figgy crew you know we have a few that passionate love their doggy toys. Georgie and Milly are notoriously dragging them out of the toy basket and playing with them on the middle of the floor. Today Georgie pulled out the tire chew toy and once...
Boys and Their Toys

Boys and Their Toys

As the girls become more and more hormonal, the boys have been marking their territory in every way they find possible. Since they have no access to the girls with them currently residing in a different room, they have resorted to claiming toys. It’s funny to...
Best of Buds

Best of Buds

After spending the entire weekend together, Georgie and Nibbles have definitely become the bestest of friends. Now that we are home, they are penned together to help Nibbles to get acclimated. George is doing a great job – He is the host with the most!!!  ...