A Whole New Experience

As a member of a local and national breed club, I can tell you, an all-breed club is a completely different experience. It is one that I would recommend to anyone wishing to learn more about AKC competitions. With my daughter and I in the process of joining the WVKC...

Well, We Will Give It A Try

KC is still unpredictably spooked in the ring. Tonight’s class was mind boggling – One time she will walk past a large dogs with no issue, the next time she is freaked and growling. She stops mid “down-and-back” to stare down the air and then...

Isn’t He Adorable?

Our little big man turned 6 weeks old yesterday and the days of timid and shy are long gone. He is so loving life in the pack and is very vocal about being let out to play with them several times a day. He has really come into his own and is even showing less fear...

Come Play With Me

The girls were outside playing in the backyard when Spike was let out of his pen to play and this was a first for him. He is used to having mom Treasure along with KC and Kiki waiting at the door to play. Not this time, and he honestly wasn’t too sure what to...

Club Toast

Tonight was the club’s monthly meeting in which we voted on the 2014 Specialties. After the meeting, several of us moved on to Applebee’s for a fun and toast filled dinner. (wink-wink)