He’s a Cleaner!

Baby has always been our ear cleaner in the bunch but it looks like we have a new addition! Beamer has cleaned the ears of every dog in our house and apparently it is very welcome. I have watched them all sit patiently and in pure bliss and Beamer does his thing....

Siesta Time

Smoochie has been such a trooper with all of the activities she has been involved with- The B Match, visiting dogs, photo shoot, vaccines and a day long playdate. It was no surprise when I found that she had put herself to bed tonight in the puppy pen, but crawling...

Startin’ The Year Off Right

With two Chihuahua Specialties in the next 6 months, we thought we would take the afternoon and get some formal photos taken of the girls and their dogs. Of the gazzillion photos that I took, this photo is, hands down, my favorite. With a LOT of patience, I was able...

He Found His Person

When Beamer got here on Saturday he fit in immediately. Seriously! I have never seen a transition happen so quickly! And within moments, he found his person. He has claimed my  son as his own and I don’t know who is happier. My son has watch a lot of his...

B Match Was A Blast

With the the expansion of “Team Figgy”, the B Match that I was going to have one entry in suddenly grew to seven and the day became jam-packed with fun and amazing memories. Hope and her family came along for the journey out to Lakeland to take advantage...