Following the Juniors was the Sweepstakes, and let me tell you , it was very interesting to watch.

No matter how many hours we spent working with Mia on her lead and table training, she was NOT about to show any confidence in the ring today. Getting her around the ring was not a pretty sight, but I was persistent and we made it to the end. I think tomorrow we are going to see if having Alexis handle her gets a bit more elegant results.

tbcc-2014-bubblesNow Bella on the other hand blew us away! Since the entires were already in when we made the decision to have her become Ozzie’s new BFF, we opted to still bring her along for the day. Can I tell you that she did an amazing job? Seriously! She made it all the way around the ring with her tail and head held high. I was so impressed that I decided to get a show photo to document her confidence at her very last show.

When we move on to the actual Specialty, her confidence continued. So much so, she won first place in her class! A true, bonafide win on her last trip around the ring? You bet I ordered another photo from the day!

Now Mia on the other hand, she too continued her less than desirable strut around the ring, showing that the pattern on the carpet was what was mesmerizing her  –  Inspiring her actually try to bite the dots off the carpet patterns! That has been a trip to watch!


2nd TBCC Specialty of the Year
Tipsy Is Hangin With The Girls