First Big Adventure!

First Big Adventure!

Tomorrow is the TBCC B Match and Tipsy has come very far in her training this week. To make the process much easier for Sweetie, Milly and Ty, we will be bringing them along for the adventure. Sure, they proved they could make it potty-free on a car ride – Now...
Back To Training

Back To Training

I have explained our training dilemmas with Tipsy and I was posed with the challenge by a dear friend to work with her for 10 minutes every day and that should get her inspired to walk on a lead for us. Leave it to me to accept that challenge than wait until two days...

Miss Indépendant

Little Miss Olive has spent every night this week with the other puppies and away from her mommy. Bubba handle the transition perfectly and clearly, little Miss Independent Olive did as well. Not a single issue and actually the largest weight gain to date – She...

Her Spot

As I mentioned, Olive tuckers out well before the rest of the puppies and that’s just fine with me. We haven’t had a  single sugar drop from her and clearly she is a participating member of the “No Sugar Drops for Olive Club”. She is getting...