OMG Too Cute!

OMG Too Cute!

So I stuck around the shop today when I drove Alexis to work because a puppy playdate and 8 week evaluation was planned for Tina’s litter of Cavaliers. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought a breed of puppies could be as cute as Chihuahuas. Look at...
They Have A Theme Too

They Have A Theme Too

While Barbie’s babies will fall under the Summer Olympic Theme (they were born a few days before the Opening Ceremony) KC’s litter will follow a Valentines Day theme. Why you ask a litter born in the heat of July will be named after a winter holiday? Well,...
Nothin’ A Little Benadryl Can’t Fix

Nothin’ A Little Benadryl Can’t Fix

Today was a bath, nail trim and dry day for our crew and with so many light colored dogs and tear staining, we thought we would give a new product a try and see how it works. The reviews have been very positive so instead of using a tearless puppy shampoo to wash the...
A Few With Eyes Open

A Few With Eyes Open

Barbie and Harry’s babies are two weeks old today and I am here to tell you that the “slow to mature” lines have proven their existence with the fact that some of the puppies still do not have eyes open. KC’s litter opened a couple of days...
Another Must Have

Another Must Have

When it comes to little dogs and puppies, finding items to suit their tiny size can sometimes be rather difficult. Harnesses, collars, and clothing can require some sleuthing skills. I discovered that our 2.5 pound Olive fits perfectly in Small Animal costumes from...