A Pit Stop

A Pit Stop

I unpacked Tino, Style and I and then CRASHED!! I really didn’t realize how tired I was. The dogs enjoyed the break for sure! Since I had spent the drive last night listening to the news about the Eclipse today. I wasn’t too sure what the traffic would be...
Day Two Was Amazing!

Day Two Was Amazing!

I still have a long way to go in master the craft of showing and Tino is such a trooper as I try to expand my knowledge now that we are in the Best of Variety and Group rings with the big boys. Dolly and Darius have been so kind to share tips and suggestions on how to...
Handful Doesn’t Quite Explain It

Handful Doesn’t Quite Explain It

The puppies are 6 weeks old and boy have their personalities blossomed! We have some very energetic little ones here and they are going to be a LOT of fun to watch grow up. And the boys are going to be amazing family pets!! BIG TIME!!! They all have a bit of their...