Mar 8, 2018 | Breeding Chihuahuas, Breedings, Tino
Mackenzie is definitely a willing participant but we can’t seem to get a tie. Tino claims her but that’s about it. This is a new one for me and for Tino – He was a very active stud the last time. I am beginning to wonder if we might have missed it?...
Mar 3, 2018 | Breedings, Tino
We made it happen! Stephanie and I discussed the idea of breeding her female Mackenzie with Tiny, hopping for a lot of dark, rich black pigmented puppies. She has had a hard time getting her pregnant and we are hoping he takes after his grandfather Teddy in the STUD...
Feb 9, 2018 | Breeding Chihuahuas, Breedings, Milly, Tino
What an adventure this day has been! I will be honest – I really thought we were having puppies YESTERDAY!!! Ok, Ok, wishful thinking because yesterday was my birthday. How cool would that have been to share my actual birthday with a litter of puppies, right? I...
Aug 17, 2017 | Breedings, George, Milly, New Puppies
The puppies are 6 weeks old and boy have their personalities blossomed! We have some very energetic little ones here and they are going to be a LOT of fun to watch grow up. And the boys are going to be amazing family pets!! BIG TIME!!! They all have a bit of their...
Jul 10, 2017 | Breeding Chihuahuas, Breedings, George, Milly, New Puppies
As with all litters born here, I documented the puppies at 3 days old yesterday with a weigh-in and photoshoot. They are all gaining weight nicely, plumping up like I expected. I also now have a chance to see what some of their markings might be. We have two cream...
Jul 6, 2017 | Breeding Chihuahuas, Breedings, Milly
And all I can say is Milly is one amazing free whelping momma! I really wasn’t too sure what to expect. With unsuccessful breeding and then a singleton I wasn’t sure if she inherited her mother and grandmother’s whelping genetics. Oh yeah she did!...