Keeping Me Young

Keeping Me Young

We had another day of successful walking around the ring with no competition but today the temperatures started to drop and there was a definite nip in the air. I didn’t stay cold for too long though. Parker wanted to hang with Auntie James (that’s what...
And So The Fun Begins

And So The Fun Begins

Miss Tipsy rocked it the first time around the ring – I was so proud!!! She had no completion but she still made it around the ring and that is a huge accomplishment! And of course she has soaking up the attention from all of her human fans. She’s going...
Another HomeGoods Find

Another HomeGoods Find

Look what I found at HomeGoods! I swear, I can go to that store once a week for months and find nothing but when  find something it is usually in a big way! Like THIS find! A chihuahua statue that is adorable as ever??? Yeah, I grabbed it up instantly! This was in...
Perfect Patients

Perfect Patients

KC and Georgie are doing fabulous! They are recovering perfectly  and have been the perfect little patients. As usual with males, they recover quickly and that was the case with Georgie. He was up and running around within hours of being home. KC on the other...
It’s Snippity Do-Dah DAY!

It’s Snippity Do-Dah DAY!

We were off to Lakeland today to see Dr. Rodgers – KC and Georgie are being retired to laps of luxury and today is the day of their surgeries! Georgie is getting to go see his daddy Beamer up in Rhode Island in the bestest home ever – Jane and Paul better...