Dec 31, 2017 | Ginny, KC, Sleeping Habits, Tipsy, Weather
It’s a quiet night at the figgy house as we ring in the year 2018. It’s been amazing year of accomplishments personally as well as professionally but I’m excited to see what the new year brings. The dogs on the other hand? They’re not too sure...
Sep 5, 2017 | Adventures, Dog Shows, Weather
I may have gotten home late last night from our trip to Raleigh but I am back on the road today – This time I am headed to Biloxi! I literally came home, did laundry, bathed and dried Mr. Tino and then drove to Dolly’s this morning so that we could start...
Jul 31, 2017 | Blue, Weather
Thanks to the storm today, Blue has learned a major lesson about being a straggler when it comes to getting back into the house. She is one that likes to explore and dig in the dirt under the deck. Blue is on the reclusive side and this can unfortunately make us...
Jul 23, 2017 | Blue, Breeze the Whippet, Cosmo, Dewey, Dude, New Puppies, Temperament, Weather
This summer has been exceptionally filled with afternoon thunder storms – We have seen quite a few severe storms this year! Our summer dogs (those born in the summer/spring months) are handling it fine. It’s the winter dogs that are having a pretty hard...
Dec 30, 2016 | Dewey, Weather
I realize to the rest of the world, temps down into the 40’s is NOT cold but to us in Florida it is! Now fire in the fireplace hot? Not really! But the year is almost over and my husband insisted on getting at least one fire in! Tonight was the night. Dewey...
Oct 7, 2016 | New Puppies, Weather
I love when we have litters of puppies sin the summer because that allows us the chance to expose them to thunderstorms and other crappy weather. Lightening and thunder throw our winter dogs into anxiety ridden knots. Our current litters got to experience a Hurricane!...