Puppy Sitting

Puppy Sitting

When it comes to Figgy pups, the need for puppy sitting will always be greeted with a “Heck to the YES!” Today we begin sitting the Sadie and Sloane (aka Rio and Simone) and after a pit stop for an appointment (and impromptu socialization) we came home to...
The Sisters Stay Together!

The Sisters Stay Together!

When Morgan contacted me to say her and her family were looking for the perfect family pet, Rio immediately came to mind as the ideal choice. We knew it would it be a girl but would it be Rio or Simone? Simone is the one that caught her eye. And how could she not? The...
Phelps’ Turn

Phelps’ Turn

When Clark contacted about adding a new Chihuahua to the family he and Kim instantly fell hard for Phelps. How could they not? He is one very special boy! The best temperament and easy to adjust to new things and new people – he is the perfect family pet. I am...
Bolt’s New Forever Buddy

Bolt’s New Forever Buddy

Today was always the day that Bolt was going to his new forever family. We just had to work around a hurricane reschedule. We were supposed to be in Arcadia for a dog show this weekend but it got canceled because of the storm. The new plan was to meet at my home,...
A Wonderful Surprise

A Wonderful Surprise

When Alexis sent me these photos yesterday while she was at work, it totally made my day. Look who came to see her for a bath and nail trim  – It’s Mr Toby aka Hot Toddy!  Alexis was thrilled to see he definitely remembered her. Kisses were given and...
It’s Her Turn

It’s Her Turn

When Cheryl sent me her wish list for a Chihuahua puppy it was everything we already have in Tipsy. Seriously! I mean EVERYTHING! The odds of reproducing that to a T are not that high so instead of simply putting her on our waiting list like she requested, I opted to...