Georgie’s Debut

After Georgie’s harrowing experience only four days ago, I really want too sure what would transpire today. We entered him in the show for both weekends but getting him to be confident enough to walk on a lead or stand on a table was never a for sure. He was...

Our First PSA of 2016 – BEWARE OF HAWKS!

YES! You read that right. What I am about to tell you is hands-down one of the most amazing stories ever and it’s a true miracle that it all went down like it did. Alexis was out on the steps off of our back deck eating some leftover pizza for breakfast. If you...

Best Gift Ever!

The chance to FaceTime with a dear friend who also  a sweet little fellow that will be the newest addition to Figgy crew. SO EXCITED!!!! More news to follow… Until then, Merry Christmas to all!        

Down to Three

We are down to three pups and the boys are adjusting to the change quite nicely. They all can fit perfectly into the doggy bed, even though they feel the need to sleep onto of each other still. the pen is definitely quiet though – Which is odd because Scotty...

Ocala To Play and Spectate

Alexis and I decided to head on over to Ocala for the day and watch our friends show while we socialized Tipsy and Georgie. Killing a few birds with one stone is always a bonus and to travel out to the show grounds with no time schedules? WOW!That was awesome! When we...