My challenge to complete the toy hauler renovations by this Friday has hit a major snag and I am sorry to say, it simply will NOT happen. Granted, I got a heck of a lot done in 2 weeks but I am down for the count. Dear hubby started the cabinet doors on Sunday and yesterday I realized I needed to paint the cabinet bases in the bedroom before we put the doors back on. I was midway through the job when a cramp in my neck shot a pain into my chest and then down my arm that brought me to my knees. As the afternoon progressed, the pain got worse, keeping me up all night long, Today, I was in tear!!! So much so that I got myself up to CentraCare for an emergency visit.
Apparently bending over backwards and upside-down to paint the underside of wall cabinets can wreak havoc on the body. I have a pinched nerve as well as muscle spasms. I am going home to take my anti-inflammatories and muscle relaxers while cuddling with a heating pad. I wonder how long my garage will be DoorAPalooza??? Let’s hope not too long, but I can’t see a campaign trip going down for us this weekend, that is for sure!