Yes, I am SOBBING! All of my hard work on the camper was for not. We had a nasty thunderstorm hit last month, resulting with a rather large branch breaking free from a tree in the side yard and landing smack-dab in the middle of the camper roof. It pierced the roof, landing perpendicular and leaving remnants IN the membrane. When I called the insurance company, it didn’t take long for the camper to be marked as a total loss. As we finally gear up to take the camper on the road for the first time since all of the renovations, it is now deemed unsafe and unusable- WHAAAAAAA – I am heart broken!!!
Today the salvage company came to pick her up and through my heartbroken tears, I will admit I did smile a wee bit. The only reason was because the RV Gods were looking down on me. We bought the camper 7 years ago, October 30th, with GAP insurance that spanned the first 7 years of ownership. Well we got in under the wire with a mere 28 days left on the policy. I have hoops to jump through and paperwork to rather but the remaining balance will be covered, leaving us with the opportunity move up to a Class C for us to use to go to dog shows!!!!