Good Mornin’

Before we head out to the fairgrounds for the show, I checked ion Smoochie and her boys and I am here to say that they are doing FABULOUS! Smoochie is an absolutely amazing mommy, recovering wonderfully from her surgery. And there is weight gain a plenty, with both...
Breeder’s Sweepstakes

Breeder’s Sweepstakes

I have entered the Breeder’s Sweepstakes at this Orlando Dog Show Cluster for several years. I have enjoyed the comradery and pride shown by breeders. I have always felt it is an event for those of us that are not professional handlers but are in the sport based...

She Got A Placement

Alexis is still sticking to all of her new skills without waiver, which makes me so proud. I know she is so tempted to make dramatic movements in the ring to draw attention to herself – Which YES! She has witnessed so many others do – But  – We keep...

CHIC, Here We Come!

I am proud to announce that the majority of our second generation have officially completed their heath testing and all have been cleared!! YAHOOO! I aways wait to take advantage of the amazing opportunities to have their eyes checked when the exams are offered at...

Whirlwind Kinda Day

After all of the excitement from yesterday, today’s schedule is going to keep me on my toes! It started with an 11:45 ring time for Chihuahuas, which was awfully kind. (We generally start at 8am). From there was had the eye clinic to have several of our dogs...