So it all technically began last night. Like 11pm last night! Darius and I backed out of my driveway to make the drive up the coast to Raleigh, North Carolina. We made it to our hotel at 7am. We had to unpack the car, potty the dogs and then get our show gear on! With a 9:30am ring time, leaving at 8:45 should have gotten us there in plenty of time. Apparently we were wrong…
There were several different events being held at the fairgrounds this weekend and one had the traffic patterns all kinds of backed up. Like it took 40 minutes for us and it should have only taken 15 minutes! We finally parked and then RAN to the ring! We literally put our stuff down, ringside at exactly 9:30am. With only 5 dogs ahead of us, we only had a couple of minutes to get Pistol and Tino ready. To say we were rushed would be an understatement.
I am here to tell you that Tino was on point from the moment he stepped foot in the ring and I couldn’t have been more proud. Not only at how well showed but by the fact that one of themes respected breeder judges EVER picked our sweet Tino as Best of Breed! Seriously round! And the pride didn’t end there!
We did go back to the room to nap since groups didn’t started until after 3pm. Thank goodness! Perhaps we both got much deserved rest because Tino was on point and the some in the Owner-Handler ring. His confidence was rewarded with a Group 4!!!! A great way to start our adventure here in Raleigh – Can’t wait to see what the next three days bring!
In addition to Tino’s amazing accomplishments, Georgie came along for the adventure to help get him back into show gear for next month. He slept the majority of the day – He got more rest than ANY of us! Clearly he has become show site bomb proof!
The other awesome part of this trip is getting to hang with Rayna again. I love that woman to pieces and any time I get to spend with her is a gift. It looks like we will be getting to bring Margie home with us next month – YAHOOOO!!! I don’t know who is more excited!