Our Blog

Enjoying Life's Moments Responsibly
They Are Finally Here

They Are Finally Here

What an adventure this day has been! I will be honest - I really thought we were having puppies YESTERDAY!!! Ok, Ok, wishful thinking because yesterday was my birthday. How cool would that have been to share my actual birthday with a litter of puppies, right? I spent...

Playing With A Whippet

Playing With A Whippet

My Chihuahua's have taken in Breezy the Whippet and made her part of the pack. She actually thinks she is a Chihuahua. Sometimes I truly believe they all forget their size differences. Other times I think she is completely aware and conforms! Today she laid down on...

Ready To Pop

Ready To Pop

A natural mommy, Milly has this whole whelping thing down but dang is she ready to go! She like popped over night it seems! Any day now!!!

Ready To Come Home!

Ready To Come Home!

We woke to bone chilling temps in Atlanta (36 degrees for gawd's sake) and me having a fever to boot! I seriously woke up feeling like complete crap! I didn't even have enough energy to put on makeup, early combing my hair. I figured the last day would follow suit to...

ATL Nightlife

ATL Nightlife

When we make our pilgrimage to the Atlanta shows we always have our local spots to gather and hang. A dog show peeps fav is Spondivits. Weird that Florida peeps run to a seafood place in GEORGIA of all places but we do! The crab-legs are amazing but the ambiance is...

Mr. Reserve

Mr. Reserve

So I see how it' going to go this weekend! I know you can't always win - But it sure was nice back in Florida with all those points! Duper has a new title in Georgia - Mr Reserve! At least Reserve from a second place in the Open class!!! Love that fact that I get too...

We Got Our First Points!!!

We Got Our First Points!!!

Darius and I packed up all the dogs and made our way up to Atlanta last night and so far so GREAT!!! We kicked off the day with Stella getting and Duper getting Reserve - (Hey I'll take it! There are big time handlers here!!!!) aaaaand.... Tipsy earning her very first...

Op Again

Op Again

Finally have January in Florida weather (no jacket required) and the human AND the dogs are loving it!!! Duper is still rocking' the ring and took WD and BOW for another point - YAHOO!!! Tipsy got first and no love beyond but it's ok - she's sill a baby! We got a long...

Today He’s Best Op

Today He’s Best Op

Winner's Dog AND Best of Opposite Sex?? Oh Yeah!!! We will take those points!!! Still no major's but I am not complaining at all. Duper is taking the show ring by storm! Tipsy got First and Reserve again - Still ring time practice so it'll good!!! Today's "other...

Duper Took Breed

Duper Took Breed

So today it was just "nippy" not brutally cold! Not a bad way to start the third weekend on the road!!! I will take the AND that fact that...DUPER TOOK BREED FROM THE CLASSES!!! Yes, you read that correctly! YAHOOOO!!!!! That and Tipsy got first and Reserve! Great day...

You’re A Show Dog Now

You’re A Show Dog Now

We are back for the road for our third week but this time in Ocala. I have such a small amount of time spent at my actual home that I run out of time to get anything done - Life on the road at dogs shows! Tonight I had to drive to the hotel and then bathe Tipsy in the...

He Did It Again!

He Did It Again!

This weather is BRUTAL!!! We humans and canines are freezing our butts off at he ass-crack of dawn here in Brooksville. We always seem to get 8am ring times and the ground has yet to even thaw! Burrrr!!! But that didn't stop Mr. Duper from doing his thing and getting...

Duper’s First Point!

Duper’s First Point!

I cannot tell you how very proud I am of this little man! He walked into the ring for the first time and OWNED it! Getting his very first point! Seriously so very proud. He is a natural I tell you! Of course, I also have  share that the first day Tipsy's second...

Back In Brooksville

Back In Brooksville

We are back in Brooksville this weekend and of course, I had to bring Tino's best buddy Georgie with us. He LOVES going to shows, even though he is retired from the ring. And Tino is just so much happier with his best playmate around to hang with. But I will tell you...

Cosmo Took Breezy’s Spot

Cosmo Took Breezy’s Spot

The window seat is clearly now the most coveted spot in the house! Breezy made it her own the moment she became part of our family. She has her own blanket that she nests with and that is where she brings all of her toys to hide from the others. It provides the best...

Coldest Yet

Coldest Yet

BRUTAL! The temps were brutal today! Like in the 20's! Tipsy was a real trooper. Granted, I had to buy her a little jacket - the most expensive jacket I have ever purchased for a 4 pound dog in my life - but it did the job by keeping her warm enough to walk around the...

Stella’s Turn

Stella’s Turn

The temperatures dropped further and further today - so much so that I was bundled the majority of the day and stayed as close to the portable heaters as possible! While Tipsy went Reserve (so proud) Stella got Winner Bitch for the points!!! Go Stella! So unbelievably...

Keeping Me Young

Keeping Me Young

We had another day of successful walking around the ring with no competition but today the temperatures started to drop and there was a definite nip in the air. I didn't stay cold for too long though. Parker wanted to hang with Auntie James (that's what she calls me)...

And So The Fun Begins

And So The Fun Begins

Miss Tipsy rocked it the first time around the ring - I was so proud!!! She had no completion but she still made it around the ring and that is a huge accomplishment! And of course she has soaking up the attention from all of her human fans. She's going too be a...

Another HomeGoods Find

Another HomeGoods Find

Look what I found at HomeGoods! I swear, I can go to that store once a week for months and find nothing but when  find something it is usually in a big way! Like THIS find! A chihuahua statue that is adorable as ever??? Yeah, I grabbed it up instantly! This was in...

July 2024

Pick Your Poison