Our Blog

Enjoying Life's Moments Responsibly
Enjoying Atlanta!

Enjoying Atlanta!

We came, we conquered, we took those owner handler points again today! Day two meeting of the goal. Nothing in owner handler groups this afternoon but I did discover some amazing finds with the vendors here in Atlanta. First of all, Paws N Tails… My favorite vendors...

We’ll Take Um

We’ll Take Um

Atlanta is a big handler weekend so I knew Mr. Tino and I would be up against some tough competition. The thing we have over the professional handlers is the chance to compete for Owner-Handler points. Well THAT is the reason we came my friends! GOAL MET! We got the...

Pains Of Hotels That Take Dogs…

Pains Of Hotels That Take Dogs…

Truth be told, I didn't even officially unpack from St. Louis because tonight Darius and I headed up to Atlanta for the weekend. It was a late start and an even later arrival - Like almost 2 AM arrival! I wasn’t too sure what the weekend would hold when it took giving...

A Fan Fav!

A Fan Fav!

I brought my Photo Booth along to use at the CCA Nationals and for a second year in a row it was a true fan favorite. More and more people keep using it to document not only the event but also friendships...old and new... wins, and even defeats! No matter how much of...

All Good Things Must Come To An End

All Good Things Must Come To An End

Dolly and I booked our tickets to fly out this evening so that we could take in the Smooth Coat competition this morning. Not surprised again with the Smooth Coat pick, who went on to take Best In Speciality! White Owl is a beautiful dog - Well deserved! We had the...

No Love But Tons Of Fun!

No Love But Tons Of Fun!

While my morning was filled with the excitement of getting to show my very own bred-by for the very first time at a CCA National Specialty, my afternoon and evening were just as action packed! Tino didn't show as great as he did on Thursday but he still showed his...

Action and Fun Packed Day Two

Action and Fun Packed Day Two

My second day in St. Louis was truly filled to the brim! It started by taking in the Smooth Coat competition at the Regional Speciality. Not necessarily surprised by any of the judges picks, we hd a very nice representation of the breed here today, that is for sure!...

St Louis Here We Come!

St Louis Here We Come!

Dolly and I headed out bright and early for the airport to catch our flight to St Louis! I am so excited to attend the National and Regional Specialties this year because I actually have a dog entered! I normally have to attend to go to the meetings and of course,...

Nell Is Our Favorite

Nell Is Our Favorite

We have a few dogs staying with us this week, all of the Chihuahua persuasion, with most eventually spending more time with us here in the future. They are all females who may eventually whelp and then raise their puppies here with me. That is at least the plan. Was...

Traveling With Dogs Tip

Traveling With Dogs Tip

As I prepare for my trip to the Nationals in St. Louis Missouri, my friends shared her latest find for airline travel with dogs. The SturdiBag double sided pet carrier is the perfect solution for taking two dogs on an airplane. I am bringing Tino and possibly...

The Girls Turn

The Girls Turn

While the boys went to the vet to get their Health Certificates with their vaccines the girls received their vaccines here at home just as the entire litter did at 8 weeks of age. They are both staying here with us to be grown up and reevaluated later. Shelly and Tami...

HC Time

HC Time

It's Health Certificate time for the boys in the bunch and off to Dr. Larkins for their second set of vaccines and health check today. They were all given a perfect bill of heath - of course! Was there ever a doubt? It also looks like we are diluting that nasty...

Day Two Was Fun Too

Day Two Was Fun Too

More of the same minus the Owner-Handler group placement today! Tons of laughs and tons of memories though for sure! Dolly and I are always up to something when we are together and this weekend was no exception. Hanging with Hiram again and being his little Minions is...

What A Fun Day!

What A Fun Day!

When you have a dog show that is close to home, (Less than an hour) have friends in town from other States also with friends that you only get to see at shows AND your dog does well - Oh Yeah! That makes for a fabulous show day! I hope it will make a for a fabulous...

Let The Bait Training Begin

Let The Bait Training Begin

This week I started some bait training for the entire litter as well as Mommy. Well, she was bait trained back when she was a puppy but got too big to enter the ring . She never really liked showing but she really, truly loved the bait! The pups caught on rather...

Sawyer’s New Girlfriend

Sawyer’s New Girlfriend

Margie is back with us - Thank you Rayna - And I do not know who is happier! My husband or Sawyer? Be has claimed her as all his own and is beyond happy to have something closer to his size to play with! The Chihuahuas just don't cut it! I am sure once she looses her...

Breezy’s New Adventure

Breezy’s New Adventure

So when Karen told me that Emma was in search of a new Juniors dog I immediately mentioned Breezy as a possible option. We have spent the last several months getting her into condition and building her confidence so she might just be a good choice. I was informed by a...

A Table Bit of Table Training

A Table Bit of Table Training

Kat came by to pick up mom and babies (his power was restored this morning) and he stuck around for bit to checkout our litter of Chihuahuas. He too finds our sweet smooth coat girl to be the pick of the litter AKA my show dog for 2018. It was a bitt sweet day  saying...

Just Look At Them

Just Look At Them

How could anyone NOT fallen love with a Frenchie puppy?? Now I so wish I knew Sawyer when he was a puppy! I am so in love with these puppies and they have been the perfect guests. I told Kat they can stay as longs he needs to to stay - I am having way too much fun...

We Eventually Made It Home

We Eventually Made It Home

With the hurricane brewing in Florida and making it's way into the Gulf, we spent yesterday in Biloxi, taking in the beach, the chance to sleep in (crazy thought while at a dog show) and enjoying friends and their amazing hospitality! (Thank you Rick, Katie and...

May 2024

Pick Your Poison