Costume Closet

Costume Closet

After last year’s costume extravaganza, I added new threads to the costume closet (or should I say storage bin) and I use say, the additions were well worth it! Shopping in the Small Animal section at PetSmart was the way to go for sure – they fit our...
Christmas Tradition

Christmas Tradition

Every year the dog’s toy selection changes because Santa brings them a new slew of treasures! Of course, Breezy LOVED the toys – She searched out those with squeakers almost instantly! The Chihuahuas were not as interested but Boom Boom loved the gift...

Totally Predictable

The roped Christmas light dog toy from Target was back this year! I actually bought it around Thanksgiving because I didn’t want to have to go another year without one in the house. And it was the first gift opened this year – I don’t know who was...

Of All The Gifts….

So our family opens up our gifts very VERY late on Christmas Eve and right into Christmas morning. Our son and daughter-in-law flew into town yesterday and they are staying here with us for the visit. They invited some friends over to help us celebrate the season and...

Must’a Sniffed It Out

I found Dewey under the Christmas tree, helping himself to the unwrapping of one of the dog’s wrapped gifts. I have no idea how he picked that one out of all of the gifts under the tree. If was a flat squeekerless toy that makes the crinkled paper sound. There...