Unique Set of Skills

Unique Set of Skills

I can remember the days when the thought of trimming nails made me a quaking nervous nelly. Years of experience with dogs have thought me not only how to trim nails properly but also that what I feel they feel. If I am feeling anxious and nervous, they will act...
A Day Early

A Day Early

This weekend there are dog shows up in Ocala and it’s also Alexis second full weekend workmen with Renee. We headed up a day early so that we can help with setup and so that we can be at the show site at the crack of dawn. This was our first time traveling with...
Milly Is Coming Along

Milly Is Coming Along

We came home tonight from the Specialty and got Milly cleared up for her big day tomorrow. The last time she came to a dog show it was to this very show site but back when she was 5 months old. She came along to get some show site socialization and evaluations....
Keep Me Busy

Keep Me Busy

YOU GOT IT! That was Alexis’ request after getting home from the vet where we dropped off Boomer to be cremated. She begged me to keep her busy so that she wouldn’t have to think. It’s already a work day but it is also prep day before a three day...
Perfect Subject

Perfect Subject

Alexis brought Ginny to work with her yesterday so that she could get some one-on-one lessons on how to trim down a dog. She has been using the skills she learned two years ago to trim Ginny but come to find out, the lessons she previously received were not as ideal...