Nov 20, 2016 | Breeze the Whippet, Junior Showmanship, Pryia the Australian Shepherd, Showing Chihuahuas, Stella
Man oh man was it cold today! Like 34 degrees when we got her old! OUCH! That’s one of the pains of showing at this location – Ocala and Brooksville can get pretty darn cold. We all dealt with the frigid temps in our own ways today. And of course, we had 8...
Nov 19, 2016 | Breeze the Whippet, Flirt, Junior Showmanship, Pryia the Australian Shepherd, Showing Chihuahuas, Stella
The last two days I worked on getting Stella accustomed to the show site and to walking on a show lead AT A DOG SHOW! We got her walking beautifully at home. It’s the show site that sends her into a tizzy. I had her walking on Thursday beautifully until a sudden...
Nov 18, 2016 | Breeze the Whippet, Dog Shows, Junior Showmanship, Pryia the Australian Shepherd
… Sorta! Was an early morning rain time we kicked off today with the Whippets, freezing cold and shaking. We are still learning a lot about this breed and it never occurred to me to pick up a jacket for her. The other whippets we’re kept warm with jackets...
Nov 17, 2016 | Breeze the Whippet, Dog Shows, George, Pryia the Australian Shepherd, Showing Chihuahuas
First, I must state that the new Double Decker Mini Best in Show Trolley was my savior! Our hotel put us on the second floor and they do NOT have an elevator! With the trolley being the little one’s sleeping quarters, my ability to carry it up and down the steps...
Oct 30, 2016 | Dog Shows, George, Pryia the Australian Shepherd, Tino
Georgie and Tino spent the last two days bonding and playing in the trolley at the show and I have to say, I think we will be seeing a lot of this in our future. We have had as many unbiased options give in after both Tino and Rio were assessed this weekend and we are...
Oct 29, 2016 | Breeze the Whippet, Dog Shows, Pryia the Australian Shepherd, Stella, Tino
The plan for this weekend was to head to Plant City to show Priya today and tomorrow in both breed and junior showmanship. With an 8 AM ring time for juniors tomorrow, I did book a hotel for tonight and decided to bring the puppies along with Stella and Breezy for...