Man oh man was it cold today! Like 34 degrees when we got her old! OUCH! That’s one of the pains of showing at this location – Ocala and Brooksville can get pretty darn cold. We all dealt with the frigid temps in our own ways today. And of course, we had 8 am ring times this morning so praying for the sun to warm things up was our ritual – that and wrapping dogs in sweaters.



For her second and last show of the trip, Stella actually walked around the ring with her tail up on both go-rounds. She was much better on the table (yes, we do still have work to do on that) and she tolerated the cold way better than I thought. While I was in the ring with Stella, Alexis was a couple rings down for Juniors with Breezy.



Now she did not do so well in the cold temps, so much so that she appeared to be cramping up in the ring and didn’t necessarily want to even stand. Poor Breezy! After her ring time we warmed her up in the car –  A jacket for our sweet girl is on my to-do list!



Another ring conflict allowed Alexis to show Pryia in breed today and I am thinking the cold effected Alexis more so than Pryia. Her own gait was off – perhaps from trying got keep herself warm? No love but I think it was an accomplishment since Pryia is in season and didnt baulk once when being examined! Glass half full!



It’s been a very long and very good weekend! Waking early, going to bed late and working non-stop, I think Alexis needs to build her stamina – I think we both do! Alexis worked her butt off with Renee, proving she can work with me there, but not THERE. Huge accomplishment! Next show we will try with her staying at the hotel with Renee!





Stella's First Show
I Think They Approve