Try Again Tomorrow

Try Again Tomorrow

Today was not the day for Tino’s new title but it was still a good day! It started with an early breed ring time but a low entry. We had many marked absent but with Irma out there I totally get it! Dolly had later ring times so heading back to Florida today...
So Unbelievably Proud

So Unbelievably Proud

I cannot tell you just how proud I am today! I opened yesterday’s mail while sipping my morning coffee and my smile lit the room. My Heart, Patella and Eye Health Certifications as well as my CHIC health testing certifications arrived from the Canine Health...

CHIC, Here We Come!

I am proud to announce that the majority of our second generation have officially completed their heath testing and all have been cleared!! YAHOOO! I aways wait to take advantage of the amazing opportunities to have their eyes checked when the exams are offered at...