Time For Her Clean Up

Time For Her Clean Up

Barbie has reached day 58 of her pregnancy so we are going to do her pre-whelping clean up. Trim her nails and file them so there are no rough edges, scission the fur between her pads on her feet and clip her belly clean so the pups have an easier time nursing. I will...

Dry, Full and Comfy

After crashing this morning, my schedule may be all out of wonk but my desire to see the puppies dry and comfy was my first item on the to-do list. Consider it to-DONE! Look at them! Aren’t they adorable?And their bellies are plumply full – Barbie is da...

Holy Guacamole!

Not only did I not schedule the x-ray appointment correctly but my four puppy bet was passed by one. I can tell you that Barbie IS her momma and in a matter of five hours, we wrapped up and turned in, for the morning. I was woken by Barbie at 4:15 this morning with...

Day 58 Is Here!

I always have a sigh of relief when we make it to day 58 – any earlier and the puppies won’t survive. It’s also the point in the pregnancy where we can get x-rays to determine the number and size of the puppies.  With Barbie’s enormous size, we...

Thunder Booming Arrival

Not that today’s storms are out of the norm for this summer’s weather patterns but it was basically dark and dreary all day with thunder boomers and close striking lightening all afternoon. I don’t know if that is exactly what jump-started the labor...