Furnace Love

Our first official furnace running of the winter and the puppies have fallen in love. The temps dipped down into the 50’s last night and we woke to a chilled house. While we waited for the sun to try to heat things up, we gave in to the need to defrost the...

This Says It All!

After three full days at the Orange County Convention Center, this picture of KC says how many of us are feeling today. All of the excitement of the weekend was worth the for feet, lack of sleep and aching backs of us humans. The dogs were real champs and have earned...

Oh My Gosh – Oh My Golly…

WE GOT THIRD PLACE!!!! Our booth did that is. ShowSight Magazine sponsors the Meet The Breed Booth Competition where booths are divided by group (Toy Breed Group in our case) and then judges on creativity, originality, educational value and visual appeal.  After last...