Let The Games Begin!

The weekend that we have been anticipating since last year is finally here! It’s Eukanuba Week and the Meet The Breeds Weekend Extravaganza is upon us! After last year, we decided that we were going to kick it up several notches and really make a splash with our...

Flirtini – In All Her Glory

When Lynda contacted me about our litter and shared her instant love of Flirtini, it was easy to see that my decision was made – Flirtini was going home with Lynda and Craig! Of the three girls we planned on holding onto to further evaluate, she was on the fence...

2nd Set Done!

The girls got their second set of vaccines and health check today and all passed with flying colors. Like there was ever a doubt, right? Spike came along for his final set so that he can partake in the weekend’s activities and he was also a real trooper. He only...

Tales of Tug-O-War

Spike is always the instigator and the puppies cannot wait for their daily game of Tug-O-War. He usually finds a dog toy – or dirty sock or towel in the laundry room – and then runs around the living room with it, riling the pups up for the game. From the...

Mommy Love

Diva, Flirtini and Bella are the main focus of their mommy, Barbie’s attention. I have noticed with every litter, momma pays a lot of attention to the most rambunctious pup. That puppy is usually the unruly one that needs more life lessons taught. Well, with...