Owning The Ring

Owning The Ring

08This weekend will be ours alone when it comes to the Pugs because Boomer and Marg are the only two entered for both days. I saw this as an opportunity to help add experience to another Junior’s resume while helping both the dogs with their show skills as well. I was...
Biggest Investment

Biggest Investment

It has been said that showing dogs is a costly hobby. I am here to tell you that it most definitely is! The grooming tables, dryers, carts and crates are NOTHING in cost compared to the brushes, combs and shampoos we purchase to make our dogs look their very best. In...
Bye Bye Love

Bye Bye Love

The deed as been done – MANY times – And we will be expecting puppies the week of Christmas! Quite the way to Ring OUT the year aye? I know we are excited! This is an amazing pairing. Eddie and Barbie compliment each other in so many ways and have honestly...
Window Shopping

Window Shopping

While we wait for all of the insurance claim paperwork to be completed and the GAP to kick in, we headed out to window shop and peek at what other options are out there for us. In addition to needing to sleep at least six, we need space to house the dog crates and...