Keeping Warm

Keeping Warm

We had quite the wait between ring times today so between running to the car to keep warm, one of the vendors  had their doggy winter coats on sale for $5.00 a piece. You just KNOW I picked some up for the of the dogs right? George and KC toast right up in their new...
Poor Feetsies!

Poor Feetsies!

I swear, the weather extremes over the last days has been intense. Having 8am ring times, and being the first dog in the ring three days in a row has not been to our benefit in any way but we are troopers! This morning it is sunny, which is deceiving since it is in...

Bee-Boop Between The Rain Drops

We knew the rain was on it’s way since we drove all the way over to Brooksville in the very early morning waves of downpours. When we arrived ringside it was just a sprinkle and it stayed that way until right after our trip around the ring for his puppy class....
Power’s Out

Power’s Out

Florida summertime weather is anything but predicable but one thing we can bet on is at least one afternoon with out power. While we humans played board games the dogs chilled like nothing happened. Without the hum that electricity brings to a house, I fully...

Our Newest Fire Lover

Tipsy is our newest fire loving Chihuahua in the house and tonight’s fire inspired her to take it all on by herself. No Beamer, or any other smooth coat joined in on her warming session. She even chewed on some of the bark from the log – Now that’s a...
Snugglin Up

Snugglin Up

For us Floridians, dipping down into the 40’s is down-right COLD, so much so that the hubby was inspired to have our first fire of the year. It’s always interesting to see which of the dogs find it to be enticing. Normally it’s one of the smooth coat...