Dewclaw Time

Dewclaw Time

The puppies are three days old today – The perfect day to remove dewclaws on puppies. I have gotten it down to a science but need to have someone help them while I do it – I need someone to hold them! Thank you so much Shelly for your willingness to help!...
With Pup

With Pup

Clearly the breeding to Georgie took because Milly has doubled in size over the last week! And yes, that means the bets have been placed. I think there are two very large puppies in there! That’s my kinda luck! Hubby thinks that there are four or five in there....
It’s A Big World Out There

It’s A Big World Out There

This little dog has made me so unbelievably proud! First, he is the result of many years of trial and error, trying to blend old lines with new lines and create my OWN line. Tino has a temperament that screams confidence when he struts around that ring and...
Gonna Be Awesome

Gonna Be Awesome

Rest up my sweet hopefully mommy-to-be! I am very excited about Milly coming into heat because I plan to breed her to Georgie and hope to have us a wonderful litter to show in January next year! If all of the stars and genes align these two should produce some stellar...
Her Final Litter

Her Final Litter

It’s official! Little Tino alerted us to the fact that Barbie followed suit with Stella and KC, going into season soon after they did. And today, Georgie made it officially her last breeding. A breeding I am so eager to see as we will have since it will follow a...