Jan 23, 2016 | Adventures, Dog Shows, Grooming, Showing Chihuahuas, Supplies and Finds, Travels & Trips
We got a room again this weekend at the Days Inn in Brooksville and this two double bed room as ceramic tile flooring – NICE! After two straight days of cold and wet, it was nice to turn in early and just veg – Keeping toasty warm of course. We worked on...
Jan 23, 2016 | Boomer the Pug, Dog Shows, Junior Showmanship, Owner-Handler
Alexis and Boomer are truly back! With Rufus’ son CJ in the Pug ring today, getting a Select was an honor. There was no way to get Breed but a Select is not a guarantee. Plus she still got BOB Owner-Handler! I told Alexis that Boomer has put on a nice about of...
Jan 23, 2016 | Dog Shows, George
Oh Yes! The cold front has move, the temperatures have dropped, the wind has picked up and the moisture is still in the air. Combine it all and bam – we were greeted with sweet when we got here at 7:00 am! OUCH! The weather didn’t stop the Georgmeister...