Jan 24, 2016 | Boomer the Pug, Dog Shows, Junior Showmanship, Owner-Handler
Two days in a row against Rufus’ son and two days of a very proud Select, along with BOB Owner-Handler. The two have successfully earned 6 more Grand Champion points! And they also nailed it again in Owner-Handler. I am going have to check the stats on the AKC...
Jan 24, 2016 | George, KC, Supplies and Finds, Weather
We had quite the wait between ring times today so between running to the car to keep warm, one of the vendors had their doggy winter coats on sale for $5.00 a piece. You just KNOW I picked some up for the of the dogs right? George and KC toast right up in their new...
Jan 24, 2016 | Dog Shows, George, Medical, Weather
I swear, the weather extremes over the last days has been intense. Having 8am ring times, and being the first dog in the ring three days in a row has not been to our benefit in any way but we are troopers! This morning it is sunny, which is deceiving since it is in...