The Cozzie Kick

The Cozzie Kick

Since he was a pup, Cosmo has been a back-leg potty kicker. You know, when a dog kicks out os rear legs after proudly marking some item? Because of Cosmo’s size, the amount of dirt and debris he kicks up is quite large – Like as much as Boomer the Pug!...
Toy Freaks

Toy Freaks

If you keep up with the Figgy crew you know we have a few that passionate love their doggy toys. Georgie and Milly are notoriously dragging them out of the toy basket and playing with them on the middle of the floor. Today Georgie pulled out the tire chew toy and once...
Harry’s Gonna Be A Daddy!

Harry’s Gonna Be A Daddy!

Today we canceled Barbie’s dental appointment after Harry told us that Barbie is READY! Yes, she went into season right after KC did but I thought they were two weeks off. Based on Harry’s interest and and then tie this afternoon, yeah, they are less than...
Way To Welcome Summer

Way To Welcome Summer

I am home with the dogs this Memorial Day weekend with the rest of the Figgy crew out of State visiting family. We have spent the weekend binge watching TV, cuddled up on the couch. Tt was until yesterday late afternoon. Yes, we were on the couch but not for the same...