Harry’s Gonna Be A Daddy!

Harry’s Gonna Be A Daddy!

Today we canceled Barbie’s dental appointment after Harry told us that Barbie is READY! Yes, she went into season right after KC did but I thought they were two weeks off. Based on Harry’s interest and and then tie this afternoon, yeah, they are less than...
We Shall Try Again

We Shall Try Again

I also brought Milly along with me to the vet to get pregnancy X-rays. I always do this for first time moms to get a number of pups but this time, it was to confirm if she even was pregnant. She had all of the signs of pregnancy a few weeks back but now I felt nothing...
With Pup(s)

With Pup(s)

I would have to say that Boomer is going to be a daddy. Wouldn’t you agree? Marg has apparently tripled in size in the last week and the scheduled doggy drop-off went down without a hitch yesterday. We met up with Rayna yesterday in Jacksonville to bring her...
So How Can You Tell?

So How Can You Tell?

I have been asked by several people how I am able to tell the diffeent between the puppies since they are all white and all about the same size. Well, besides the fact that four have a penis and two do not, it’s all in the girly fun nail polish. Way back when, I...
Ya Think She’s Ready?

Ya Think She’s Ready?

I know that I do! Barbie is growing bigger and bigger each day and as we close in on her due date, I can’t help but wonder just how many she has in there. We have all guess between four and five because she seems to be carrying the load like she has in the past....